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October 4, 2020


Passage: Leviticus 23:1-4, Leviticus 23:33-43, Deuteronomy 16:13-17, 2 Chronicles 5:3, 2 Chronicles 7:8-10, Zechariah 14:1-19, Luke 1:5-10, 1 Chronicles 24:1-19, John 1:14, Mark 9:5-6, John 7:37-39, John 8:12, Revelation 21:3, Revelation 22:1
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The Feast of Tabernacles was one of the three pilgrimage feasts when the people were to come to Jerusalem and, for a time, dwell with God there. God’s ultimate plan from the foundation of the world has always been to dwell, or tabernacle, with His people.


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