When John says, "God is Love", he is carefully defining the character of God. Love is the essence of His being; however, that does not automatically mean "love is God".
prac-tice (verb): perform or exercise repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain proficiency.
John calls followers of Jesus to share in God's own life and love by devoting themselves to loving one another.
The Word of Life is not merely a preached message, but the very incarnation-Jesus. To participate in life with God, believers must keep Jesus' commands to love each other and…
"You may have a hard time believing there is a way out of addiction. Let us show you the way."
"So, the family went and lived in a town called Nazareth. This fulfilled what the prophets had said: "He will be called a NAZARENE."
Jesus made disciples in relationship. True teaching, as Jesus defined it, had to be done in relationship. He wasn't saying, "Go disciple any way you want to." He was saying,…